The main goal of the Foundation

Carrying out charitable activities in the interests of socially vulnerable groups, internally displaced persons from the temporarily occupied territories and persons whose homes were destroyed as a result of hostilities, and pets.

The main tasks of the Foundation

Charity, collection and distribution of humanitarian aid to all needy members of society, collection of financial aid and use for those who need it, creation of shelters for abandoned pets and support of existing shelters, implementation of our own program to rebuild real estate and infrastructure that was destroyed by hostilities.

Support Ukraine

Every $25 is a life saved!

Objectives of the Foundation


Providing humanitarian assistance


Preparation lunches and their address delivery


 Provision of temporary accommodation


Implementation of the program for the reconstruction of real estate


Attracting additional resources for the needs of the Fund


 Creating shelters for abandoned pets


1500 m2

Warehouse space

500+ tons

Humanitarian aid

20 000+

People received assistance


Professional volunteers



Every $25 is a life saved! Help Ukraine!

Join the help, support the activities of the fund

*For donations in another way - go to the section Support →

Our Partners

News About Us

If you have witnessed or found yourself in a situation of sexual exploitation and abuse while receiving assistance from the Charity Foundation «Dobri vchynky razom»,PLEASE, INFORM US ABOUT IT!
E-mail for sexual exploitation and abuse prevention (SEP): gro.mozaryknyhcvirbod%40tcatnoc *We provide assistance free of charge and never ask for additional services in return.